Monday, February 27, 2012


Just horrible.  I haven't blogged, in what has seemed like an eternity!  I think the last time was mid October! Where has the time gone?!

So much has happened in the past 4 months! Our first Thanksgiving and Christmas as a married couple, The Hubby got a full time job! and I'm still working. 

We got another Puppy! Not a "puppy" per say, she a 2 year old sheltie mix, and a rescue.  She and Ava get along great, but we have had some growing pains from both of them, but they are getting much better.

I have decided to take up photography, so pics will be coming soon! 

The Hubby's car finally pooped 235,000 miles. Yes, You read that, and I typed that right. Almost a quarter of a million miles on good ole Mable the Sable.  So we are now the proud new owners for a Brand New Venza!  I mean, Toyota still owns nearly all of it, but in 5 short years, it will be all ours!

But on a lighter note!  RHONDA THE HONDA is officially paid off!  It was a huge relief to finish that loan!  It felt so good!

Aaaand....I think that about covers it.

I promise to do better about this whole blogging thing!