Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Somedays at work: A confession

Ok so here it is:  Some days when I'm at work, I just want to eat lunch in peace.  I don't want to know what's going on in your life with your baby daddy or your pregnancy.  I don't want to know what happened 2 weeks ago when you did some random thing.  I don't want to hear the same story you've been telling all morning, and I certainly don't want to hear it 4 times in the glorious 30 minutes that I have to myself to eat lunch.

Yes, Somedays I can be social and enjoy a conversation at lunch, but the fact remains.  If you've told the story once, rest assured that it has made it's way around the unit.  It is a group of women, if you recall, and it can be a huge estrogen fest, and we can be extremely gossipy.

This is what I felt like at lunch today.  I hope you all enjoy.


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