Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oh Dang!

I just realized I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!!  So here is what's been up:

I have been working like a fool!  Apparantly, being married is expensive....I'm pretty sure no one informed me of this. lol.  J/k. I really knew that, but man.  Luckily I love my job!  I have the best patients!  I told my patient not to be a turd to me today and he was like: WHAAT?!  As if he didn't know EXACTLY what I was talking about.

I have turned the big 2-4.  That's right, one year away from a quarter of a century and lower insurance prices....mostly the lower insurance.   But on the bright side, I am still 6 months younger than my VERY soon-to-be-hubby.  :-D

I have studied for and successfully passed the CPHON.. That's right!  I am officially a Certified Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Nurse.  That give me a whopping 10 initials after my name: RN, BSN, CPHON.

I have had two wonderful wedding showers.  One from my church family and biologic family, and one from my adoptive family here at Children's.  Unfortunately I haven't received any pics from the first. Here is one from the Latter:

I must say: I have the BEST friends here!!!  I have been so lucky!

Hmmm....What else what else...

OOoo.  Matt and I ventured out to a Reds game.. Unfortunately they didn't win, but here is a pic of us, enjoying the hot sun and the cold beer.

And Last, but certainly not least,  We are getting hitched in 10 days!  Ahhh!

I promise: to blog more frequently

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