Friday, August 19, 2011

Situational Awareness

As we have spent two days making our way around Walt Disney World, it has been absolutely incredible!
The first day was spent at the Magic Kingdom
And it was magical!

Everything was great...except about 50% of the park guests....
We saw tons of people yelling and dragging their kids are in THE MAGIC KINGDOM!  Get a hold of your selves.  

They need to:

Fist of all: Control your children! Teach them manners and to respect other adults
Second of all: Don't discipline them in public. It's like Airing your dirty laundry, it shines poorly on yourself.
Thirdly: RELAX!

Then we went to Epcot:
Which was AWESOME!
And incidentally one of the few disney parks that serves alcohol

But Again we saw much of the same things, only to a lesser degree, as their children were mostly older, and didn't need corralled as much.

And then on to Hollywood Studios:
Which is where the story gets...unique...

We saw not one, but TWO people get run over by handicapped people!
One of those people being Matt and that person was in an electric wheelchair!
Incidentally both of the aggressors got snippy with their victims.
Which made us feel as if they thought they had the right to hurt other people because they were disabled.  
Which, BTW, IS NOT OK.  

But other than those few times, it was absolutely incredible!!! 
We loved every minute of it!

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