Saturday, June 11, 2011

The joys of floating

As a nurse, it is a hazard of the job, that when your patient numbers drop, you might have the joy to be floated to help out another unit.

That is my lot today. 

I walk in at the crack of dawn to ses if I have my same lovely kiddos back from the previous day, but what do I behold?   I drew the short straw and have to go over to "The Dark Side" AKA: Bone Marrow Transplant.  lol.  So as I trudge over there quickly donning my grumpy pants.  I take a gander through the windows of the patients room to check IV fluid rates, and what do I see?!  They are both freaking adorable!!  Away go my grumpy pants

So as I am kicking butt and taking names over on BMT, and get one of my kiddos out the door, and finish up all of my work on the other, I learn that I am floating again, at 3pm down to the surgical floor.

This is another floor where it could be an utter disaster.  However as I am unpacking my grumpy pants, I am cut short by the fact that my other two kids are also adorable!!!

So today I have learned:
~ Floating doesn't have to be awful, so don't jump to conclusions
~ It can get you out of the crappy assignment you had the day before
~ Babies are snuggly and cute (well I didn't really learn that, but it reinforced that idea)
~ And last but certainly not least, it makes you appreciate where you work, while at the same time being a nice change of pace

An added perk:
~ If it's a slow day, you can catch up on your reading if you can find your book online <<cough>> <<cough>> and have a screen protector

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