Thursday, June 2, 2011


As We were eating lunch today, my orientee and I turned to see what was on TV.  Low and behold it was TLC.  Which is usually fine and often enjoyable. 

TLC’s A Baby StoryUnfortunately around noon on 
weekdays TLC plays about 3 hrs of
A Baby Story, which is awkward
when you're eating lunch.

Right as we both look at the TV, the husband is all up in his wife's face with a camera.  (I'm talking a real schnoz shot.)

I turne to Katie and said: If Matt is up in my face like that when I'm having a baby, I'll most likely kill him.

We of course laughed and without missing a beat Katie said:  Well he won't need to, because I'll be videoing for you guys!  That way He'll be able to be in it too! 

Gee. Thanks...?


  1. You as I sit at work reading this, I first saw the pop up for this new post and all I could see was the inserted picture of a pregnant lady...

    Kate is there something you need to share with me?!
