So, I'm pretty certain that someone tried to poison me. Aaaand, since it's only TheHubby and me...the list is PRETTY short. Although Ava has been eyeballin' me as of late.

But I Digress
Our other furry child. Juno,

yipped to go outside at dawn's early light. 7:15 on my day off. To be precise So I mumbled something along the lines of Juno HUSH! and rolled over to try to reclaim my slumber. But, she was not to be denied. I imagine her sitting in her cage. Doing the potty dance, saying Mooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. So at 7:25 she couldn't contain herself and yipped again. So I rolled out of bed and threw some appropriate clothes on and let her out.
Well if she and Ava didn't have the crazies that day!? So I brewed myself a cup of coffee (the poisoning could have occured at this point), put it into a to-go mug, and hooked them to the leash, and we set out on an early morning adventure. It would be a lie, if I said I walked them to the park behind our house.
The more accurate statement is: they walked me, at an extremely brisk clip toward green grass and freedom.
Once we got the the fenced in area, I let them off the leash, and they were off! For almost an hour, they were romping and rolling in the dew soaked grass. Finally they tired themselves out, so I corralled them, leashed them, and walked them (Yes indeedy I walked them!) back to the house.
By this time it is 8:30 and I am wide awake, an on my second cup of coffee (it could have happened here, tho, too). I threw the first of what would come to be 6 loads of laundry into the washer, and set up to do some early morning yoga.
During the course of 10 hours I did:
6 loads of laundry
Had a third cup of coffee (also a possibility for the timing of the poison)
2 loads of dishes (those that were dirty from the previous days, and those that I dirtied through the course of the day)
Went to the Grocery
Had a diet coke
Vacuumed the WHOLE house
Made dinner
Had a sweet tea
Prepped for dinner the next few nights
Cleaned the office
Cleaned the Kitchen
Cleaned the laundry room
Cleaned the coat closet
Cleaned our bedroom closet
Based on this series of events, I'm nearly certain that I was poisoned. Probably with meth.
It might have been the caffiene. But it was probably meth.
It might have been the caffiene. But it was probably meth.
Ha ha ha! It was probably meth....