Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My experience with Harry Potter

So, as I sit here tonight, reading, many people would be, and in fact are amazed by the fact that I haven't yet, read or seen any of the Harry Potter books/movies.

My friends are so flabbergasted by this fact, that in order to appease them.  Namely one pesky orientee...<<cough, cough>> Katie K <<cough cough>>, I have taken it upon myself to catch up on all of the hype.

I have to admit, as I read book #2, The Chamber of Secrets, That they are pretty good!  And best of all, they are easy reads.  I really enjoy winding down after a long day at work by reading, and usually an easy read is all I have in me.

I am getting ready to watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone for the first time.
I will for sure keep you apprised of my progress through the series


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