Friday, May 20, 2011

Running out of Time

I'm not sure if you have heard, or not, but the world ends tomorrow at 6pm.  That is 5/21/11 6pm. and I were talking about it at work today.  This was our conversation
Katie:  The world is ending!!
Me: Yea...
Katie:  Why didn't you get on making babies?!  Now you're not going to have time!
Me:  Well I'll just adopt all of the raptured kiddos whose parents didn't make the cut.
Katie: Oh ok. That's a good plan

This is just bizare that the end of the world has been predicted so precisely as to say 6pm.  Now is that Eastern Standard Time, Pacific Time, or Greenwich Median Time?  Or is it like a rolling rapture, that it's 6pm for every time zone? 

Even though The Bible says that the return of the Son will come like a "thief in the night", this church group knows it's really going be like an "intruder in the early evening hours"

A recent tweet says it all: 

A rapture on Saturday makes for an awkward Sunday morning service.

But then again, what if it is real?  Would you be raptured? What all would you miss out on?

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