Friday, October 14, 2011

An American Hero

We leared that Matt's grandfather (His step-mother's father) passed away during the night Sunday.
Matt's Dad and Step-mom (Bob and Diane) were in town for a couple dof days to visit and to house hunt. They are moving back to Cincinnati!

They got a call that night, that Don (Di's dad) was taken to the hospital.  They left right away, but he had passed away before they were able to complete the 10 hour drive (Which they did in 7.5hrs)

We ended up going down for the services.

Don Casey was a soldier in the First Cavalry fighting in Korea.  He is considered a hero, not only to us, but also to his comrades during the Korean War.  He fought on Hill 303, also known as Atrocity Hill.  It was a war crime committed by the North Korean army, where 41 American POWs were shot, after they had already surrendered. 

Don marched in there with 40 of his comrades, but was one of only 2 to walk out.  Not only did he walk the 8 miles back to base, he also carried his commanding officer, who had been killed, the entire way.  Then he went back those 8 miles to see if anyone else needed help. Then finding none, he went back to base.  A total of 24 miles.

During his time in the Korean War, he was awarded 4 Purple Hearts, at least 1 Bronze Star, and 5 Good Conduct Medals.

This was just the kind of man that Don was. Selfless.  I had only known him a short time, but he was an icredible man, kind to everyone, and honest (maybe to a fault)

I'll share just one more story about his selflessness and generousity:

He and his wife took out a second mortgage on their house, so one of the kids in their neighborhood could go to college. 

Who does that today?  No one.

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