Sunday, October 9, 2011

Its Official!

We are moved in!

Don't let that statement fool you, however, we are by no means unpacked, there are boxes boxes everywhere. 

We are also not completely moved out of our other apartment.  We were able to get all of the big furniture over, but we still have little things that we missed in all the hubub of moving.

But I am taking baby steps closer to get out of moving hell...

Well two weeks have passed, since I started this post, and I feel as if I should revise that statement.  MOST of the townhouse is out of moving hell and is livable.  The office and half of the bedroom still stress me out.

There is still MORE stuff at the old place!  How is it even possible that we had so much stuff?!
We only have a few more things to bring over, so that's good, Buuuut..  when i moved in, I had the bright idea to paint a few walls...However the color I chose was unfortunately dark purple.  Sooo  we have to prime about 3 walls, I don't think it will take that long, but it's still the last thing hanging over my head.

But I digress.  Here are a few pics from our new place (please take note of the decorations, as my wonderful hubby took charge and told me: You need to hang up pictures.   lol)

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