I found the gallon of ranch when we were grocery shopping this afternoon. The only thing that would have been better is if it was a gallon of ranch sent from heaven on the wings of angels. (See below)
Now, I love me some ranch dressing. But there is a hierarchy of the different types. By far the best that you can buy in the grocery store is Hidden Valley. Kraft is okay in a pinch, but generic is practically swill.
The absolute most delicious sent from heaven on the backs of angels is the ranch you get at The Rusty Bucket. Their ranch can redeem a.crappy meal, or.make a bad day better. Is it magical? Probably not. But, it sure seems that way after you've had bad day at work and all you really want is comfort food.
The healing powers of ranch are numerous and incredible.
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YUM! I need something covered with ranch right now.