As I was sitting at work tonight, waiting to give report, My wonderful husband to be Matt was texting me with updates about the massive storm heading our way.
~FYI 70 mph wind storm coming, plz be careful
~The News stations are freaking out about the weather
~There are 2 tornados on the ground according to the news.
I just laughed it off and told my friends about how nervous he gets about the weather.
One morning he was getting up to go to PT, and apparently the tornado sirens were going off. He woke me up to tell me that he was leaving, but I needed to get the dog and hide in the bathroom. I mumbled something like Ok, and promptly fell back to sleep. At work that day, everyone was talking about how the tornado sirens kept them up all night. And I was like: Really? I must have slept right through them.
I get home that evening and asked Matt: Hey, did you know the tornado sirens were going off this morning. To which he promptly replied: Yea, I woke you up to tell you this…didn’t you do what I asked? I said: All I remember is you telling me that you were leaving, and I went back to sleep.
Another time, he made me turn down the TV volume so that if the tornado sirens go off, we can hear them. He also made me pack my purse and put on my shoes so that we could evacuate quickly if need be.
But, I digress. I was just joking about it when I checked the Radar. Much to my chagrin, there was a line of red bearing down on the bustling metropolis Cincinnati Children’s Hospital calls home. Uh-oh. Luckily it was 7pm, and Katie and I were anxiously awaiting the oncoming RNs so we could give report and skedaddle.
All during report I was checking the radar and it was quickly approaching. I texted Matt when I finished giving report, and he informed me that I had 10 minutes to get out of the downtown area. Well unfortunately it is nearly a 10 minute walk from the floor to the parking garage.
Just as I was getting to the car, the skies opened up with near continuous lighting, thunder, 50 mph winds, and sheeting rain. I got in the car, and first thing was first. Pick up the 4th Harry Potter book , Duh!

After that, Katie said she was calling her mom to see, and I said, I would wait to see if she was waiting it out or trekking forward. Right as she was talking to her mom, Matt called me and asked where I was. This was our conversation:
<<Tornado Sirens in the Background>>
Matt: Where are you?
Me: Still in the parking garage, but I think I’m going to wait it out. It’s moving pretty quickly, I’ll call you when I’m on my way.
Matt: Ok, that sounds good. Now I TOLD you and YOU just LAUGHED at me.
Yes, Yes, Yes, You did tell me and I did laugh, but who was laughing when Katie and I huddled in the Sally The Saturn waiting out the tornado. No One, that's who.

Sally the Saturn! BAHAHA I'm glad we survived that!